## $Id: .htaccess 220 2005-06-16 19:14:35Z mks $
## Copyright 2004,2005 - Michael Sinz
AuthUserFile /home/subversion/authentication/passwords
AuthName "MKSoft Insurrection Repository"
AuthType Basic
## We want the index.cgi to handle the directory by default...
DirectoryIndex index.cgi
## Note that I list each file specifically such that
## there is less chance of running a CGI that was not
## placed here on purpose. Also, there is nothing that
## requires that the CGI scripts end in ".cgi" - I
## am just doing that to make it easy to see where the
## CGIs are vs non-CGIs. This is most noticeable in the
## CGIs that deal with log processing, etc.
## The main index file is generally available and will
## show only elements that are available without login.
SetHandler cgi-script
## The *.template files are not to be served directly
## so exclude them here
Deny from all
## These CGIs require a login in order to validate the
## user's specific access rights - we can not just check
## if the user as access to the repository via the
## above method.
SetHandler cgi-script
require valid-user
## This is a CGI just to fill in some information into
## the template. It is only called from the index template
## and thus really is just a site-specific thing. I
## use it to make the project page work for both
## the local test server and the public servers.
SetHandler cgi-script
## These CGIs can be used without login depending on
## the repository being requested in the path extra
## and the access rights defined. We let the Subversion
## mod_authz_svn take care of the path check before
## we proxy to here. We then just validate in these
## scripts that we have been proxied.
SetHandler cgi-script
## For some browsers, XSLT support is either not working
## correctly or not working at all. What this CGI does
## is to generate the SVN Index base page as HTML and then
## let the browser and JavaScript via XMLHttp do the
## real work. This works in conjunction with the
## rewrite rule below that does the user agent checking.
SetHandler cgi-script
## You need to have mod-rewrite enabled in apache
RewriteEngine On
## Since we depend on HTTP_HOST being a reasonable value
## in some of the other request, we first filter all
## requests through here. Basically, we check that
## the HTTP_HOST is reasonable and if not, fail the
## request right here, right now.
## First we check if the host name has a slash in it.
## Then we check that the host name has a matching .GIF image.
## Note that the HTTP_HOST may have the port number
## on it, so the file name may need to have to be in both
## forms.
## This is how we then configure what host name or names
## we want to support here. If it has a GIF file
## then it is a valid host. If not, out you go...
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} "^.*/.*$" [OR]
RewriteCond /home/subversion/www/%{HTTP_HOST}.gif !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [G,L]
## Some custom logo processing based on the host that
## we are acting as. We know it exists otherwise
## the above safety check rule would have caught us.
## Note that we do this internally (PT) such that
## the user does not know this exists.
RewriteRule ^Logo.gif "/%{HTTP_HOST}.gif" [PT,L]
## Simple rule to support having intex.html and project.html
## actually be cgi scripts.
RewriteRule ^(index|project).html$ /$1.cgi [PT,L]
## We use a local proxy operation such that we can
## publicly expose only the normal Subversion paths
## with the only difference being CGI query strings.
## We also depend on the rewrites to provide the
## full path to the repository. Thus, all of the
## ^svn/ bits would need to contain the prefix path
## from this directory into the base of the repositories.
## Note that we also require proxy support to
## make this work reasonably transparently. A
## redirect would have worked but then would not get
## the benefit of the authentication from mod_authz_svn
## that was already done. The CGIs try to notice this
## proxy behavior and when proxied to via this mechanism
## do not do their own authentication.
## Note that we only look at GET access methods.
## All other methods are reserver for mod_dav_svn.
## This is one of the reasons the HTTP_HOST needs
## to be filtered - otherwise these rules could
## be used to jump elsewhere on the net by providing
## incorrect HTTP_HOST values.
## NOTE - Currently a bug in Apache/mod_rewrite
## has bugs with certain characters in the URL.
## http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=34602
## The rewrite/proxy we do here specifically tries to get
## around this problem by putting the URI into a CGI parameter
## and not the path_info and then doing some re-parsing with
## the understanding that the Path parameter is always the
## last parameter before the end of the URI. Ugly but it works...
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} Insurrection=(admin|atom|bandwidth|blame|diff|dump|get|log|rss)
RewriteRule ^svn(/.*)$ "http://%{HTTP_HOST}/%1.cgi?%{QUERY_STRING}&Path=$1" [P,L]
#RewriteRule ^svn/(.*)$ "http://%{HTTP_HOST}/%1.cgi/$1" [P,L]
## What a trick - to get the broken browsers to work.
## Now the need XMLHttp, but the don't need the XSLT
## to work.
## Note that the XSLT of Safari is almost working but
## not quite. So it is listed here.
## What we do here is proxy the request to a simple
## CGI the makes the base HTML framework and kicks off
## a client side script that does the rest.
## Note that if someone expressly wants XML, the
## XMLHttp=1 attribute is needed. This is used by the
## XMLHttp object in the JavaScript to make sure that
## it does get the XML version even when the browser
## does not support XML/XSLT.
## Note that we would like to have the real XSLT working
## as there are some things that are not available
## without it *and* the bandwidth and server load are
## much lower. The good thing is that the top two
## browser technologies do work correctly enough to
## not need this hack. That ends up covering 98% of
## all wed users. (That is Mozilla/Firefox and IE)
## Again, with the same hack to make this work the way I want...
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !XMLHttp=1
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} Opera [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} Safari [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} Konqueror
RewriteRule ^svn(/.*/)$ "http://%{HTTP_HOST}/broken_xslt.cgi?&Path=$1" [P,L]
#RewriteRule ^svn/(.*/)$ "http://%{HTTP_HOST}/broken_xslt.cgi/$1" [P,L]