To access the repositories below via a web browser, just click on the links.
To access the repositories above via Subversion, browse to the location in the repository you want via your web browser and then use that URL with your favorite Subversion client. Note: You should normally not check out the whole repository from the root as it may contain many tags and/or branches.
The Atom feed has been validated to conform to the Atom 1.0 IETF standard and RFC-4287. The RSS feed has been validated to conform to the RSS 2.0 specification. Both feeds support HTTP "Conditional GET" operation via the the HTTP ETag/If-None-Match headers to reduce bandwidth and system overhead when there are no new updates since the last download of the feed. Most feed readers and browsers support this. You can read more about it at this blog and in the HTTP specification. Some resources that are located on this server.